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Posting on the Black Death Network

The Black Death Network has three main sections for posts: Axis I – 14th Century Crisis and Axis II – History of Plague for regular blog posts and Researchers for introductions.

The BDN generally encourages cross-posting of contributions from other blogs/publications by the original author (if in accordance to copyright) or links accompanied with a short content description/abstract.

If you would like to contribute an annotated bibliography, please contact the admins


If you first register as an author for the BDN, please first post a short introduction about you, briefly summarizing your academic background and research interests. You can also add links to your profiles or references to your recent publications. You can also update your introduction in the future.

Blog posts:

  1. Please select one or both axes as categories for your blog post. This will make sure your post also appears in the sub-blogs.
  2. Please select a post category; see details below.
  3. Optional: Please attribute your post to one or multiple disciplines
Publication and Resources

This category is meant for announcements of new publications. Also research output in form of websites, repositories can be announced here. There is no clear definition what is new, you can also post on older publications if you think they deserve wider recognition. Please always provide the following information: full reference (authors, title, journal/publisher), link and abstract. Feel free to add more background information about the paper, especially if you are (co)author. However, if you would like to critically comment on a publication, please select “Comment and Opinion”.

In News and Media

This category is for announcements about newspaper articles, TV shows, other blogs etc. related to the topic of the BDN. Please provide links or full references.

Conferences and Workshops

If you would like to announce a conference or workshop, please select this category. Please make sure to add date and place of the event as well as important deadlines and a link to the respective website. You can also post retrospective reports or links to recorded talks for past conferences.

Lectures and Talks

This category is for announcements of lectures and talks that are open to the public or at least to a broader audience, especially if they are streamed online. You can also post links to video records of past talks here. Please always provide the speaker’s name and affiliation, date, hosting institution and topic of the talk, ideally with a short abstract. 

Research projects and groups

If you are a group or project leader,  you can use this category to advertise your project. Feel free to offer information about the aim and scope of your project, funding agency and duration, team members and collaboration partners

Research Insights

Please select this category if you would like to post about genuine research output here. The BDN has its own ISSN number and BDN posts are generally citable. Although the blog post gives a lot of freedom in format, please pay attention to proper citations and good scientific practice.

Comment and Opinion

This category is for critical comments on recent publications, discussion pieces and other posts on controversial topics. Please pay attention to keep your criticism measured in tone and avoid personal attacks. In exceptional cases, the editors might 

Book Reviews

Please select this category for book reviews, but choose “Publications and Resources” if you only want to announce a new book. Please provide full citation and bibliographic information and feel free to add links to the publisher, especially if open-access.

From the Editors

This category is reserved for announcements by the editors.

Marcel Keller

Co-Editor of the Black Death Network Postdoc in Palaeogenetics at U. of Tartu

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Interdisciplinary approaches to the 14th century crisis and the history of plague